June 29, 2024
4 U.S. Code § 6 - Time and occasions for display of American flag
(a) It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. (Italics added)
AT&T finally fessed up. The box is theirs. I notified city of Irvine.
June 20 UPDATED AUG 20
Broken box cover on Moore Court which I reported to Maintenance@cityofIrvine.org (The neighbor said he reported it to the city 8 years ago.) It may belong to AT&T, so I contacted them via email.
July 26 UPDATE: Irvine Landscape Maintenance replaced the entire box and lid.
City of Irvine did ~$100,000 in repairs to the Colony
(Who asked them to? Why didn't you?)
Besides informing Colony residents of the many things that have been done, another reason I created and maintain this website is to teach everyone to be alert and call in problems you can't personally fix or pick up. It's not hard. Try it!
May 2024
About twice a month, I bake chocolate chip cookies and give them to Ralph's and Smart & Final staff who feed us. This is Barbara at Smart & Final looking very cute with one of my cookies in her mouth:
"How many residents bring you cookies they baked?"
Answer: "Only one. You."
May 5, 2024
Unable to recall the URL of the "official" Colony Club website, I did a search for it and found this one-star review on Yelp.com:
Monday, April 29, 2024
At 1:46 PM Monday, I videotaped street damage on Bryan Avenue southeast of Culver Drive and sent it to Maintenance@cityofIrvine.org as well as street maintenance director John Dupont.
This is a frame from that video:
Pick up litter when you see it. If you can't take care of something yourself, report it. These guys are good and I gave you their email address.
"Irvine would be 3rd world without you John!" - Mike McCartney, D.D.S. (April 30, 2024)
May 2, 2024 - Street Supervisor Bob Critchfield picked up chocolate chip cookies I baked for the hard-working crew:
December 2023
Fancy new monument signs which replaced the wooden COLONY signs on Culver cost $18,056.73 for both and the one on Mall cost $26,316.51.
I do not know the line item used to pay this absurd cost, but the original redwood signs were paid for by board members decades ago, out of their own pockets because there is no provision in the Colony budget for signs. After designing and having them fabricated, the board installed the three signs personally and painted them. There, they sat neglected for decades until I restored them in 2008. They sat neglected for fourteen more years without the board spending a dime to have them scraped and painted at very nominal cost.
Merry Christmas to you.
Nov 2023
2022 Audit
The Board of Directors owes all members an explanation as to why this audit was delivered eleven- and one-half months after the end of 2022, and why it is so bad.
Will the 2023 Audit not come to us for another year, despite the fact that 2023 is almost over? Inquiring minds want to know.
The high water costs could be reduced by a careful study of peak flows on each of the sixteen or more water meters throughout our common area. I had four or five of the largest changed out for free around 2010 by the IRWD after the Colony had overpaid by thousands of dollars annually for fifty years.
The high electricity cost could easily be reduced by turning off the water filter and pool pump when the pool is closed, as the tennis court lights plus pool pump kick in peak rates. But because the pool contractor tells the liaison "County code requires the pump to operate 24 hours a day," they believe him. It is untrue. He wants the pumps to wear out so he can collect $1,100 or more to replace them when they wear out.
Finally we have the "estimated remaining useful lives" from the auditor.
It could hardly be more useless than to show the years of use left as 1-28 years. Which is it, 1 or 15 or 28? Nor is the tot lot equipment worn out. 1 The auditor obviously has no clue. Zero to twenty-eight years is NOT an "estimate." It is a very broad range, and a useless one. When do you replace the asset, this year or in twenty-eight years?
One of the most common remarks I hear from residents is their appreciation for fiscal responsibility. Here it is, graphically presented:
May 2024 Update: Since the peak of Colony dues at $215 in 2008, Colonists would have paid $1,244,500 more in quarterly dues at that $215 level.
One of the most common remarks I hear from residents is their appreciation for fiscal responsibility. Here it is, graphically presented:
May 2024 Update: Since the peak of Colony dues at $215 in 2008, Colonists would have paid $1,244,500 more in quarterly dues at that $215 level.
The Board and Property Manager have not been properly enforcing your CC&Rs for several years. Why not?
(I masked her face this time so this new website is not deleted by Leftist Google as all of my previous websitea were.)
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